Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Words from my heart
Friday, May 7, 2010
Journal 18: Goodbye
To my dear classmates:
I am so lucky to have you guys. Thank you guys. I really have a great time with you in ALP, especially in composition class. Next semester, i won't be here. I will go to L.A downtown to study GMAT in Kaplan. Good luck to me and good luck to you. Take care everyone and keep in touch in facebook. ^^
Monday, May 3, 2010
Journal 17: Reaction to film
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Journal 16
“ Find a job that you love doing and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
It seems that if we can find a job that we can enjoy it, and love to do it, we won’t feel that we are tired of working, and feel bored on it. However, it is not easy to find our ideal jobs. When we are choosing a job, we consider about the income, our interests, parents’ expectation, the reputation and the power of the jobs. It is very hard to find a job that we really want to do. In the reality, only few people do what they love to do. Most people choose their jobs because of the income or the power. Sometimes, we even don’t have a chance to choose a job, but a job picks us to fit into it. Actually, I have been looking for a job that I can enjoy it in my life for a long time, but I still cannot find it, and I am still wondering on what kind of job should I have. But, I believe that I will figure out it one day. I will come to my dream job, or it will come to me.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Journal 15
Brooks, David (2010, April 19). Riders in the storm. The New York Times, from http://www.nytimes.com
Brooks disagreed with Sustein’s (2001) idea that Internet may kill the democracy. (par. 1) Sustein stated that Internet allow people to personalize their own newspaper. This could lead people only choose the stories that already interest to readers instead of having controversial opinions. “ We like hearing evidence that confirms our suppositions. We filter our evidence that challenges them.” (par.4) Although this idea was supported by some studies, Brooks questioned these studies that focus on the content of the websites, not the people who visit the websites. He used Gentzknow and Shapiro’s ( par. 13) studies to show that the Internet is more ideologically integrated than old-fashioned forms like face-to-face association. I agree with Brook’s idea. Even though the Internet has some impacts on society, the Internet let people has a wide of information.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Journal 14
Dear Mom and Dad:
How are you doing these days? I am doing well on my school and preparing for TOEFL test. After three more weeks, this semester will finish. I have an important event to discuss with you: take a trip with my friends. I understand what you are concerned about. You might think that this is the second time I request to take a trip in this year. You might consider that I play too much and I don’t focus on my studying. You might worry that I haven’t gotten any admission from any school. You might question me what I want to be, and where is my future.
Instead of having fun, taking a trip with my friends could help my studying. Like all the international students, friends are my support, my family, and my core life. Although uncle and auntie take care of me here, sometimes I still feel very lonely and sad. When I miss you, and miss Taiwan, my friends help me to go through all the hardship. After hanging out with my friends, I feel better and fulfilled. My friends are my escape of stress and studying.
Moreover, I believe that taking a trip can help me to think of my future. During the school time, I cannot relax, and don’t have time to think about my future. Every Monday through Friday, I have a busy schedule from 8 am to 4pm, and after class, I always stay in the library until 9 o’clock. Also, because I am in a higher level this semester, I have a lot of changeling homework, like longer reading, more academic vocabularies, and research paper. Therefore, before next coming semester, I want to take a trip with my friends, and relax a little bit. I believe that after the trip, I will feel fresh again and can focus on studying TOEFL and GMAT.
I don’t expect that you allow me to take a trip, but I really need a vacation after working hard in a semester. Hope everything goes well with you. Take care of yourself. I love you.
Daughter Wendy
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Journal 13: Summarize/Paraphrase
Joan E. Solsman. (2010, April 15). Goggle’s profit jumps 37%. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from http://online.wsj.com
Compared to last year, the Google’s first quarter earning has a great increase: 37%. (par. 1) It shows that the market in online advertising is experiencing an upturn. Because the economy is recovering and the business of large advertisers is continually coming back, Google is able to have a great number in this year. (par. 2) According to the report, the earnings jumps from 1.42 to 1.96 billion, and a share grew from 4.49 to 6.06 dollars. (par. 5) Also, Google hired around 800 employees in the first season. (par. 3) Mr. Pichette mentioned that it is a “ very positive” beginning of this year. (par. 2)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
What kind of person you are: a person likes to give advices, or a person likes to hear advices. For me, I am very bad at giving advices. I always give some useless advices to my friends, but they said I am a good listener. Every time, my friends come to me ask for advices. I always give some stupid responds. One time, a friend asked me what she should wear on a date. I told her did not dress up, and wore the worst clothes she had. It was a test to test her boyfriends loved her or not. Of course, she didn't take my suggestion. Another friend asked me what she should do when her parents were going to divorce. I asked her who were you going to be with. It is very obvious that I am not good at giving advices. I think sometimes I just want to let them laugh and feel relaxed before solving the problems. But, sometimes it brings some negative effect that my friends didn't think that was funny. Therefore, I only give advices to my closed friends; otherwise, I will loose friends. Most of time I will be a listener first until I really understand the whole issue.
Friday, March 19, 2010
1. What are the componetns in children's books?
2. What are the differences in children's books between western and eastern countries?
3. What's the future for children's books?
Saturday, February 27, 2010
American Food
I have been in the United States for seven months, but I still cannot be used to American food. For me, American food is very different from my home country, Taiwan. Compared to Taiwanese food, American food is always too rich, too oily, too sweet and too salty for me. The typical American food is hamburgers, sandwiches, French fries, soda, cheesecakes, chocolate, chips and deep-fried food. Above these food contains too much oil, sugar, salt, and has very high calories and protein. Having this kind of food in a long time could let us get fat, and damage our health.
However, Taiwanese food is much healthier than American food. For example, comparing the main food in Taiwanese and American food, rice is much better for human than bread. By making bread, you need to add butter, eggs, salt and sugar. However, rice is the very much rawer and more original. You don’t need to add other artificial food. If you having bread for long time, you will find out your face become round due to adding leaven in bread. Moreover, you can also tell differences between Taiwanese and American foods from watching cooking show. In the American show, chiefs always put a lot of oil, and they make a lot of deep-fried food. In contrast to American show, Taiwanese chiefs more often use boiling or steaming ways in cooking. In this way, Taiwanese food is lighter than American food.
I am not saying American food is not tasty, but there is a lot of improvements that they can make their food healthier. Here shouldn't has a contradiction between tasty and healthy food.
Friday, February 19, 2010
I am just a little be too...
People who always think in bad sides only can think about difficulties even in a good thing and even they have good chances, they would feel uncertainty about the opportunities. In contrast pessimist, people who can think in a positive way can find many opportunities from a hardship.
I am not sure does this quote apply in my life or not, but I am an opportunities. One time, two of my friends and I took a trip in Thailand and none of us could speak in Thai. We got lost in the countryside. There were no one can speak Chinese or even English. Both of my friends were very worried about how to get back to the hotel, and afraid to meet bad people. Then, I said no matter where is it we are still alive. Until now, I still think what I said was very true. At that time, we still had each other; we still could see the sun. There was nothing we need to panic. I said that worries cannot help us finding the way to go back. To comfort my friends, I suggested that we could look around the village for fun and after we felt better, then we could start looking the way to go back. After awhile, we didn’t feel worried anymore. We took several hours walking around the village and spent five hours to get back hour hotel. Although, we got lost, we still had fun when we were looking the way to go back. I was thinking since we had been there, why didn’t we just enjoy it. I told this story to my family and friends. They all said it was too danger, and we were just lucky. As they said, maybe we were just lucky. But, maybe it is because we thought in a positive way and the opportunity just came to us.
People who know me well always said I am crazy and silly. I mean just a little bit.
Friday, February 12, 2010
My best friend~
Some people said the friends around us usually have a lot of similarities with ourselves, such as personalities or habits. However, my friends and I are totally different with each other in both of ways.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
If animals can talk~
Saturday, February 6, 2010
After Playing

One of my favorite songs is “ After playing ”. This is a Chinese song. The song is written by Sodagreen. I knew this song because my friend introduced them to me. Sodagreen was a college student band and now they are still very famous in Taiwan. Therefore, when I was a student, I totally could understand and always feel the same way as their songs and lyrics. Their songs contain love, struggle, sad, angry, happy, lazy, and dreaming. Their songs are full of energy and very powerful. Just like the songs the band playing, I had a very colorful life in the university. Especially the song, “After playing”, it represents my life in the university: playing and friends. I played a lot and had a lot of fun with my friends. Because of the band, I met my best friends in my life. After graduate from university, no more playing and the real world is waiting for us to face it. Just like after playing, you feel tired and sad, and you want to go back again. However, you cannot go back again. Although we cannot go back, but we still have an unforgettable memory and this memory will always keep in our mind. If you miss your pass, there is nothing you can do about pass. You cannot do anything, but you can remind it and think of everything no matter it is good or not. You know you were alive before, but now you need to do is keep going.
Click here and try to listen this song. Hope you will like it.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
South California~
I don’t have favorite weather. However, between hot and cold weather, I prefer a little bit cold weather maybe because I was born and grow up in tropical country which is extremely hot and humid. Therefore, I am very admiring having a cold weather and living in a snow country. Two weeks ago, I went to Big Bear Mountain, all the mountain was covered by the snow. It was so amazing that I couldn’t stop enjoying it. Everything was all white and it let me feel so exciting like having a lovely white-chocolate cake. Everyone who was there were delighted in playing in snow. That was my first time seeing the real snow, and I was acting like a five-year-old children. I couldn’t stop playing snow without taking any rest. I wanted to grasp every second to enjoy the pleasant that snow bring to me. When we were preparing to go home, I was so sad. I always think about living in a snow country, and then I can often go to ski, snowboard, or ice-skating whenever I want.
However, having a cold weather in whole year isn’t a pleasant thing. I cannot go to my favorite place, beaches, and do my favorite exercise, swimming and surfing. Maybe having a little bit hot weather is also good. Where can I find a place having snow in the winter and I can go to beach and do surfing in the summer? The answer is very obvious: South California. I have been in South California since last summer, and until now I have been through summer and winter. I really like the weather in here. In the summer, I only need an hour drive to the beach; in the winter, I also can easily to get to the mountain and have snow. I never get bored in the South California. No matter in which season, there are many alternative activities we can do here. I really like the weather in South California.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
There are two things that I am very afraid of: loneliness, and darkness.
I am twenty-three years old now, but I haven’t lived alone for more than six months. When I was a senior student in undergraduate, I lived out side of campus without roommates for six months. However, in Taiwan, everything is so convenient that I can call my friends out at anytime or make a phone call to my friends or families. Until these days, all my families go out the United States and I have to live alone for three weeks. It is a little bit hard for me to live alone in the big house. When I come to the house, there is no one here, no light, or any noise. Everything is so quiet like a dead town. When I get home, the first thing I do is opening some lights, and turning on the TV or radio. I don’t like there is no one talks to me when I come home. If I don’t go out, I don’t need to speak any word in whole day. How terrible is it? No speaking in the whole day. I hate being alone for too long.
Second, I don’t like darkness due to the 921 earthquake which occurred at 1:47 AM on September 21, 1999. There were more than two thousands people dead and more than ten thousand people had seriously injured in physics and mentalities. On that day, I was sleeping, and suddenly there was a magnitude 7.6 earthquake happened. I woke up, and there were all black. I also heard a lot of people screaming. Darkness and horrible screaming were scared me. Since this earthquake, I have been scared of staying in the dark, especially sudden darkness. Now, I always have a small light beside my bed when I am sleeping. I need someone to turn off the light for me after I sleep deeply.
I don’t know how can I face these fears because these are mental damage. I am trying now but it will take a long time to overcome these fears.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
My New Year's Resolution
Before moving to the New Year, I want to recall myself what did I do last year. I got my bachelor degree, but I was failed to get into graduate school. Then, I came to the United States to improve my English; I was studying hard in ALP, however, I still cannot pass TOEFL. It sounds like I am a loser, but this is what life should be: learn form mistakes. Therefore, my goal in this year is passing TOEFL and applying graduate school. First, I need to improve my English ability. Last Saturday, I took my first TOEFL test, but I found out I couldn't finish on time in reading and writing. Now, I think I need to increase my vocabularies, reading speed and typing skills. To reach my goals, I plan to memorize at least ten words and read one 700-word passage every day. About typing skills, I will try my best to hand in my homework in typing rather than writing. Learning a foreign language needs to continually practice, and we cannot see the result immediately. I believe that one day I will reach this goal if I keep learning and using English all the time.
Moreover, I have another New Year’s Resolution: learning how to cook. In my home country, Taiwan, it is very convenient to get food. We just need five seconds to get the food we want, and you also have a lot of choices. In contrast to Taiwan, the United States is more difficult. In America, we need to take our car, drive at least ten minutes to a supermarket, a grocery store or a restaurant. If you go to a restaurant and then find out it is closed, you need another ten minutes to another place. Because every thing is so convenient in Taiwan, I don’t need to learn how to cook. Therefore, when I come to the United States, I am still not used to the living style in here. Now, I think it is a good chance to learn how to cook. I will learn form my mother, auntie, and granny. They all are very good at cooking. When they are cooking, I will be next to them and learn from them. After standing besides them awhile, I will try some practice and maybe cook for them. This year, I hope I can learn some traditional Taiwanese food, like chicken and vegetable soup, steaming fish, and tofu pork. I believe it won’t be difficult if I am willing to learn and practice it.
Friday, January 22, 2010
I am Wendy. Do you know me?
I am very glade to have the same composition class with you.
My name is Hsiang Ting, and you can just call me Wendy. First, I want to tell you a story. Choosing Wendy as my English name was a coincident. When I was seven years old, I studied my grade one in South Africa. Therefore, I needed an English name, which is easier to remind for the teacher rather than using my Chinese name. However, I was so little that I didn't know too many English names. It was hard for me to choose a name, so my auntie said several names, such as Amy, Lily, and Christine. These names were very easy to remember, but I really want a special name. One day, when my auntie drove me to the school, we passed by the Wendy's burger. My auntie asked me how about Wendy. The trade mark of Wendy's burger, a little girl with red hair and some freckles, was interesting to me, and also I liked the food there, so I choose Wendy as my name. This name and the story really help people to remember my name.
Second, I want to tell you why I come to American Language Program. Before I came to the United States, I majored in finance and got my bachelor degree last June. Due to the bad economics over the world, it was very difficult to find a job, especially in banking, so I decided to give myself a chance to come to the United States, learn English and experience American culture. I have been here for five months, and I am very happy that I made this correct decision. I really enjoy the time that I have been being here. Last year, ALP made a lot of interesting activities, for instance surfing, Disneyland, watching American football games, fun lunch and Halloween parties. I cannot wait for the activities on this semester. No matter you are new students or returning students, I hope we will enjoy all classes and activities in ALP and know each other better. By the way, if you want to know me more, you can go and check Tara’s blog.
Next, I am going to introduce my partner, Tara, a 20-year-old cute lady. She just came here two weeks ago, and she lives with her brother now. Tara's habits is watching move. When she was in Korea, She went to watch a movie every week. She likes all kinds of movies except horrible ones. Tara majors in English education; her dream is being a good teacher. She will stay in ALP in one year to experience American culture and improve her English ability. Then she will go back to Korea and continue her undergraduate. Since she has been here for two weeks, she thinks that the buildings, which are flat and open space, in the United States very differ from the constructions, which are tall and limited space in her home country. During the interview, Kara was easily to talk and maybe a little bit shy. At the beginning, I was always the first person asking questions, but at the end, the more you know about her, the more you would find out how cute she is. You should go and talk to this interesting girl. It is really good to talk to her.